How to Pose for Instagram Photos
Let’s talk about something that can a little bit awkward – how to pose for Instagram photos. Because, unless you’re a professional model, posing for photos doesn’t always come naturally. It didn’t for me.
Posing is definitely a skill that I’ve had to learn. Whether I have a friend or my husband helping me take photos, or I’m taking photos of myself using a tripod, I’ve had to get comfortable with posing for my Instagram. Because posing for Instagram photos is totally different than posing for regular photos with your friends and family. And it’s taken me about a year and a half to really get comfortable posing for Instagram photos.
Now, after a lot of practice and taking tons of photos that never made it to Instagram, I’m ready to share 5 of my best tips on how to pose for Instagram photos.
Check Your Posture
First off, check your posture. Whether you’re standing or sitting, as a general rule your back should be as straight as possible. Push your shoulders back and down – try to keep them from coming up towards your ears.
Be especially mindful when you’re posing sitting down without a wall or chair to support your posture. I find that’s when I’m most likely to slouch.
If your posture feels a bit unnatural, it probably looks great in photos. Think ballet dancer or yoga instructor posture. If you’re not sure if it looks good, ask your photographer (or your bestie, boyfriend, or mom… whoever’s holding the camera) whether your posture looks good.
Elongate Your Legs
Whether you’re short like me, or tall with legs for days, it always helps to elongate your legs. An easy way to do this is by pointing your toes.
Pointing your toes looks graceful, makes your legs look longer and also activates the muscles in your legs which looks great in photos. I recommend avoiding the type of “hot dogs or legs photos” where you you’re sitting or laying down with only the upper part of your legs visible.
Pointing your toes works whether you’re sitting down or standing up. In the seated photo below, I’m pointing both my feet. If you look closely at my foot that’s touching the ground, my toes are pointed and my heel isn’t touching the ground.
Try a 45 Degree Angle
Turning your body slightly to the side at approximately a 45 degree angle pretty much always looks great in photos. This angled pose tends to accentuate the best parts of a woman’s body. It also adds some visual depth and dimension to the photo in question.
This is another tip that you can use for both sitting and standing poses. But, in both cases, be mindful of how you position your arm that’s closest to the camera. Try to leave a little bit of space between that arm and your body. If your arm is pressed tightly against your body, it will create the illusion that your arm is larger than it actually is.
Use Props
Let’s get real – hands can be AWKWARD. I’ve ruined many otherwise good photos by positioning my hands into stiff looking claws. An easy way to avoid this is by using props when posing for your Instagram photos. Props can breathe life into your photo and also keep your hands busy. A total win-win!
Some of my favorite props are fresh flowers, a glass of wine, a handbag, and a book. But, the options for potential props are endless, so get creative and find props that are consistent with your own Instagram aesthetic and style!
You can find a list of my favorite photoshoot props for bloggers and influencers here, most of which are free, cheap or you already own.
Add Motion
When I first started posing for Instagram photos, I often looked stiff and uncomfortable. Then, I learned to add motion into my Instagram photos. Now, I often will twirl, walk, or even skip when posing for Instagram photos. The results tend be much more lively and dynamic than if I were just standing there.
This is why you’ll often see travel Instagrammers wear long dresses and skirts in their photos. A long dress or skirt gives you so many opportunities to add movement into your photos.
Just remember, if you’re going to be adding motion in your poses, make sure your camera’s shutter speed is high enough to eliminate any blur. I usually choose a shutter speed of at least 500 for my action photos. You can read about my camera and other gear I use to take my Instagram and blog photos here.
Once you master these aspects of posing for Instagram photos, I’m confident you’ll be posing like a pro in no time!
So, are you team “I love posing” or team “posing is awkward”? Let me know in the comments!
And if you’re looking to level up with your Instagram content, you can check out my post on posing for photos, how to become an influencer, how influencers make money, and sign up for my free influencer masterclass with I share industry secrets to help you get paid to promote your favorite brands without having a huge following.
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- And sign up for my free influencer masterclass and learn to get paid to promote your favorite brands even if you don’t have a huge following

Yes! Love these posing tips! Motion is definitely key for me!
Me too! Otherwise I can look super stiff!
I always forget my posture for the first few clicks, then readjust myself haha! Great reminder!
Claudia xo
That happens to me too. Especially in sitting down photos!
This is so helpful, posing for photos is definitely something I have difficulty with! I can’t wait to try these!
It’s definitely something I’ve had to work on over time…luckily it’s definitely something that can be learned! Glad this was helpful!